Thursday, January 29, 2009

It’s Like an Orange on a Toothpick!

On Tuesday we visited the cardiologist. She charted Oliver's height, weight, and head circumference. Then she asked, "Did your other kids have big heads?" I laughed, because their heads were off-the-charts huge. All along I thought Oliver was a pinhead, but as it turns out, he's inherited the Davis gargantuan cranium. We are so proud.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Six Months Old

Oliver celebrated his 1/2 birthday yesterday. The little man continues to grow and is now eating baby food (via his mouth). Such a big boy...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just call me Dizzy

Is it me, or is Oliver a budding trumpet player?

Oliver is pushing 13 pounds now. On Tuesday he got 2 thumbs up from the surgeon, the cardiologist, the nutritionist, and the GI doctor.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Our whole family has resolved to be healthy this year. That's more hospital visits for us! I cut it pretty close, however, because I injured my back yesterday when I lifted Issac Owen. A trip to the chiropractor and the massage therapist enabled me to ring in the New Year feeling much better. (It did help that we were in bed by 10 p.m.)

Oliver is a whopping 12 pounds and 2 ounces! He is now in the 23rd percentile on the Down Syndrome growth chart.