Friday, May 15, 2009

Mic-Key is in!

I just spoke with the surgeon, and the Mic-Key was placed with no problems. While Oliver sleeps, the cardio people will do an echo cardiogram to check his heart.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Surgery rescheduled...

Oliver didn't have surgery on May 1st, because he and his siblings caught a nasty bronchiolitis and flu. He is now in that post-flu feeding frenzy and packing on the pounds.

The second attempt to place the Mic-key button is this Friday, May 15. I'm pretty impressed that in 5 months we have not accidentally ripped the peg-tube out of his stomach.

We named our new chickens (thanks Lacey for the idea!): Madeleine, Condoleezza, and Hillary. Unfortunately, Hillary got lost under the crawl space of our home, and we haven't seen her for weeks. We like to think that she's on a diplomatic tour around the neighborhood and will return to us soon.