Friday, October 17, 2008


I had a great night of sleep! We arrived at the hospital at 11 a.m. and got the "Oliver Report". He's doing very well. They are slowly weaning him off his breathing machine; this will probably happen in the next hour or so. This is the biggest hurdle to leaving the ICU. The nurses actually had to physicially restrain him, because he was moving around so much (a good sign!).

Oliver responds to our voices, which is such a phenominal feeling! I should get to hold him soon...can't wait!


cori said...

Yeah Oliver! We've been praying for you.
Cori Ponte

Tim Stehling said...

So glad to hear of the good news and we continue to pray for all of you. Hang in there and know that you are loved

Tim and Carolyn Stehling