Friday, November 21, 2008

One in a Million!

Oliver's doctor stopped by just a few minutes ago. She said that Oliver is the first documented case of R.S.V. this year. Public Health waits until the virus strikes the general population before giving the expensive shots to the babies at risk. It's kind of a bummer that he got sick before everyone else!

Oliver sure is my "lucky" kid. We're planning a trip to Vegas where he can start to earning his keep around here. He's getting kind of expensive! Good thing he's cute...


Devin said...

You are priceless. Thank God for the Showell sense of humor. More prayer for all of you - and if you really are there for Thanksgiving, I promise you all the excellent food from your favorite restaurant that you can handle.

The Smith's said...

Oh no! I am so sorry that nasty RSV struck sweet Oliver! We will be praying for a QUICK recovery ... the quickest Swedish has ever seen (since Oliver likes to be first, fastest, and best!)

The Smith's

The Davis Family said...

Sarah ...

Devin is correct, you are priceless.

Just happened to check the Blog and found your message.

If you and little Oliver are still in the hospital on Thursday, I too, will bring you anything you heart desires.

Please keep us posted.

Our love to you, Eric, A Joy, IO and of course little Ollie.

great Grandma Margaret

Rick and Amy said...

Eric & Sarah,

Wow. You guys have had quite a fall. Praying for Oliver, that he will recover quickly and fully.

Sure wish we lived closer...


Mathews said...

Dear friends,
Praying for you guys. What a cute little guy Oliver is! Can we have your other 2 for a day this week?