Thursday, November 20, 2008

R.S.V.--yah, you know me!

Oliver has Respiratory Syncytial Virus (R.S.V.) courtesy of his big brother. For most kids it isn't a big deal, but for Oliver...well, that's a different story.

Yesterday Oliver's pediatrician listened to his chest and sent us right to the hospital for admission. He is on oxygen and receiving respiratory therapy.

The "funny" thing is that Oliver just qualified for the $1000 a month R.S.V. prevention vaccines. While we didn't prevent R.S.V. this time around, hopefully this will be our last battle for the season.

Please pray for little Oliver. He's lost weight and he can't really breathe without the oxygen. If he continues, they will have to send him to the I.C.U. and put him on a more extensive breathing machine. I'm hoping I don't have to eat Thanksgiving Dinner at the hospital.

My spirits are up, but Eric's are down. I'm thankful that we take turns falling apart! We are at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle.


Susan said...

Oh Sarah, that stinks! Ainsley was hospitalized for RSV last February. I hope if he needs any respiratory support they can do it without intubating! I hope Oliver gets well enough to come home soon and that you're out of there long before Thanksgiving.

Michelle said...

We are praying for all of the Showell clan! Hope that Ollie heals quick and is home for Thanksgiving. Thanks for posting the update so we know what's going on.