Thursday, December 18, 2008

First Christmas in America

Alex, Isaac and I had a blast last night teaching seven Burmese kids how to decorate sugar cookies. The two oldest girls also made cupcakes from a box mix. The parents were impressed with that crazy contraption we call an oven. Funny what I take for granted. I guess they didn't do much baking in the Thai refugee camp!

A couple families from our church brought Christmas gifts for the kids. It was so much fun watching them open up their very own presents. The youngest girls, 3 & 4 years old, refused to put down their gifts the entire evening. I can't blame them. If you are the youngest of 7 kids, you have to be scrappy to survive.

Just got a call from the hospital. Check in for tomorrow's surgery is 8 a.m.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Best of luck tomorrow! I hope you get there safely in the snow and everything's running on schedule. 8am is not too bad. Better than 6 am that's for sure. I'll be looking for an update on the blog and hoping that he makes it home in record time.