The Surgeon said we could go home today. At first I toyed with staying another night, because of the inclement weather, no car, and no husband with a car. Eric and the kids are in Portland this weekend, and we weren't expecting to get out today!
I called my friend Bibi whose husband is a taxi driver. He had chains on his car and was willing to come and get me. Unfortunately, he never made it to the hospital, because his chains popped off his car and left him stranded on Capital Hill. I figured it would be about April by the time AAA arrived to help him.
The hospital staff was so gracious and tried calling around for a taxi, a medicab, ANYTHING that could get me home. The next taxi was available at around midnight tonight. CRAZY! The nurses told me that they'd get my room set up (again) and rip up the discharge papers.
Meanwhile, my knight in shining armor--Eric Showell--called the Mark and Tricia. Apparently Mark's actual words were, "FINALLY someone needs to be rescued." Born and reared in Wenatchee, Mark has few opportunities to show off his extreme snow driving skills.
He got us home safely. I am so grateful that I am home and my baby is healthy.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Tube is In!
Here is a before and after shot of Oliver's belly. The surgeon said everything went fine. The third picture is right after his surgery. My wonderful husband took the photo and then asked if I knew that my jacket was inside out. No wonder the Starbucks barista gave me funny look.
We had a rough start this morning. Someone---I won't reveal his identity---left the dome light on in the van last night. So this morning we had lots of snow and a dead battery. My amazing husband fixed the problem and got us to the hospital 10 minutes early.
Unfortunately, my cell phone charger didn't make it with me. If you need to reach me, you can call me at Swedish Hospital at (206) 215-2165.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
First Christmas in America
Alex, Isaac and I had a blast last night teaching seven Burmese kids how to decorate sugar cookies. The two oldest girls also made cupcakes from a box mix. The parents were impressed with that crazy contraption we call an oven. Funny what I take for granted. I guess they didn't do much baking in the Thai refugee camp!

A couple families from our church brought Christmas gifts for the kids. It was so much fun watching them open up their very own presents. The youngest girls, 3 & 4 years old, refused to put down their gifts the entire evening. I can't blame them. If you are the youngest of 7 kids, you have to be scrappy to survive.
Just got a call from the hospital. Check in for tomorrow's surgery is 8 a.m.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Another Belly Button for Oliver!

I called Oliver's pediatrician this morning. She said that since Oliver just can't manage to gain weight with all we've done so far, the G-tube is the logical next step. Since we have her blessing, we think this is the best option.
Best case scenario is that we'd be out of the hospital on Sunday evening. Even Oliver giggled when the surgeon mentioned that. I am hoping we are out by Christmas Eve to celebrate with my extended family.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
First Snow

Oliver actually is in bed. He did better today. Yesterday he ran a fever and vomited all day long. Hopefully the bug has passed through his immune system.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
This Can't Be My Child...
Oliver had a check up today. He's been out of the hospital for a week and hasn't gained any weight. At Swedish he gained 2 ounces a day. I am frustrated. Ollie is throwing up several times a day. Besides this problem, however, he is sounding and looking great.
I am drafting my letter of resignation. If anyone would like three cute kids...
I am drafting my letter of resignation. If anyone would like three cute kids...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Back to Normal
Today we paid IKEA a visit. I promised Isaac that when he was potty-trained, he could finally play in the ball pit at the kid's area. There wasn't a happier kid in Seattle today!
Meanwhile Oliver and I wandered the store. In the cafeteria I met a young man with Down syndrome. He was charming and articulate. Our conversation encouraged me greatly.
We are looking forward to a visit with Lo Lo this weekend.
Meanwhile Oliver and I wandered the store. In the cafeteria I met a young man with Down syndrome. He was charming and articulate. Our conversation encouraged me greatly.
We are looking forward to a visit with Lo Lo this weekend.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Gingerbread House

Last night was absolutely wonderful. We had yummy Thai food (thanks Sundee!), and then Alex and Isaac decorated a gingerbread house. They are such talented children, and it turned out just like the one in this picture! If I can get my act together, I'll post the video later. Right now I'm de-stick-ifying everything.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
There is No Place Like Home...
Monday, December 1, 2008
The 12 Days of Swedish (Hospital)
On the first day of Swedish my True Love said to me, "I'll see you in a day, or two, or three." Little did we know that we'd be here 12 1/2 days later!
The doctor just updated me on the sleep study results. Oliver doesn't appear to have apnea. She thinks he still needs oxygen because his lungs are still recovering from the RSV. It is, however, rather discouraging to keep posting, "Oliver is doing great, but we are still here," so tomorrow I'm going to write absurd fictional posts.
I did have a great day today! Susan, my roommate from Children's Hospital, and I chatted about the joys of G-tubes over breakfast. Our conversation about suctioning traechs and stomach surgery probably grossed out the other diners, but it was entertaining for me!
Alex, Isaac and I had dinner together and then saw the Gingerbread House display at the Downtown Sheraton Hotel. Meanwhile Eric and his World Vision team served dinner to the Seattle street kids at New Horizons. (Eric and I met 7 1/2 years ago at New Horizons!)
It is nearly 11 p.m. and I'm off to sleep in my cot. Visions of my pillow top mattress and down pillows dance in my head.
The doctor just updated me on the sleep study results. Oliver doesn't appear to have apnea. She thinks he still needs oxygen because his lungs are still recovering from the RSV. It is, however, rather discouraging to keep posting, "Oliver is doing great, but we are still here," so tomorrow I'm going to write absurd fictional posts.
I did have a great day today! Susan, my roommate from Children's Hospital, and I chatted about the joys of G-tubes over breakfast. Our conversation about suctioning traechs and stomach surgery probably grossed out the other diners, but it was entertaining for me!
Alex, Isaac and I had dinner together and then saw the Gingerbread House display at the Downtown Sheraton Hotel. Meanwhile Eric and his World Vision team served dinner to the Seattle street kids at New Horizons. (Eric and I met 7 1/2 years ago at New Horizons!)
It is nearly 11 p.m. and I'm off to sleep in my cot. Visions of my pillow top mattress and down pillows dance in my head.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sleep Study
Oliver is a crazy kid. The doctor has given us an "all clear" on the RSV, but they are puzzled about his low oxygen readings when he sleeps. Tonight they have scheduled a sleep study for the little monster. There is a good chance that he'll be getting his own CPAP machine.
Last night Eric and I had a date! We had a fabulous dinner at the Union Restaurant and watched Brandi Carlile accompanied by the Seattle Symphony at the Benaroya Hall. The contrast between the stoic symphony members and the rock band was entertaining. Thanks Devin and Sarah for a fun evening.
Last night Eric and I had a date! We had a fabulous dinner at the Union Restaurant and watched Brandi Carlile accompanied by the Seattle Symphony at the Benaroya Hall. The contrast between the stoic symphony members and the rock band was entertaining. Thanks Devin and Sarah for a fun evening.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Broken Record
Oliver is still in the hospital...arrgh. He doesn't need oxygen during the day, but at night his saturation levels drop to a level that no one likes. I spoke sternly with him this morning about his bad behavior.
Yesterday was a great Black Friday for the rest of the Showell family. Alex, Issac, Eric, and I walked downtown to see the Macy's Parade--Seattle style. We wandered down by the Pike Place Market where Isaac and I watched some cheese artisans mixing curds in an enormous tub. After 30 minutes of studying these people, Isaac informed me that cheese making is in his future.
Eric set up the Christmas tree this morning. We have evergreen boughs and our wreath making machines set up in the garage, so if you are in the neighborhood, come on over! Eric and the kids are always up for a party, and they can help you make your own Christmas wreath.
Yesterday was a great Black Friday for the rest of the Showell family. Alex, Issac, Eric, and I walked downtown to see the Macy's Parade--Seattle style. We wandered down by the Pike Place Market where Isaac and I watched some cheese artisans mixing curds in an enormous tub. After 30 minutes of studying these people, Isaac informed me that cheese making is in his future.
Eric set up the Christmas tree this morning. We have evergreen boughs and our wreath making machines set up in the garage, so if you are in the neighborhood, come on over! Eric and the kids are always up for a party, and they can help you make your own Christmas wreath.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Turkey Day
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Another Day, Another Dollar
Oliver just can't seem to get off the oxygen. He is on a minor "whiff" now, so I expect he'll be weaned fairly soon. I will meet with a surgeon in a few minutes to discuss the G-tube surgery and possible esophagus surgery.
Oliver is in great spirits today. I'm told he has a lot of girlfriends all over the hospital.
Overall today has been fine: I got a crown and a filling in my mouth, went to Costco, and had hot chocolate with Alexi at Starbucks.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tuesday Update
The nurses turned down Oliver's oxygen last night. That extra whiff of O2 helps him stay comfortable. If he can get completely weaned today, they will hold him overnight and then let us go home!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Getting Sleepy
Oliver still sounds bad, but he looks a lot better! Apparently I looked bored this morning, so the nurse put me to work. I gave Oliver a bath, which is a tricky task considering he is attached to oxygen, a feeding tube, and an IV. After he was clean, I re-taped all his facial tubing and put on new chest leads. The nurse who check my work was impressed. I've included a video of Oliver from a few minutes ago, so all can see my handiwork! (Isn't he an adorable baby?)
The hospital suggests that Oliver get a G-tube--a tube that goes directly to the stomach. This is a surgical procedure that will involve us coming back to the hospital yet again. When I asked the doctor this morning what she thought, she told me about her son who has had heart condition, a tracheotomy and an NG tube. Her perspective as a doctor and a mom was comforting. I am so pleased with the Swedish Hospital staff.
The hospital suggests that Oliver get a G-tube--a tube that goes directly to the stomach. This is a surgical procedure that will involve us coming back to the hospital yet again. When I asked the doctor this morning what she thought, she told me about her son who has had heart condition, a tracheotomy and an NG tube. Her perspective as a doctor and a mom was comforting. I am so pleased with the Swedish Hospital staff.
Friday, November 21, 2008
One in a Million!

Oliver's doctor stopped by just a few minutes ago. She said that Oliver is the first documented case of R.S.V. this year. Public Health waits until the virus strikes the general population before giving the expensive shots to the babies at risk. It's kind of a bummer that he got sick before everyone else!
Oliver sure is my "lucky" kid. We're planning a trip to Vegas where he can start to earning his keep around here. He's getting kind of expensive! Good thing he's cute...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
R.S.V.--yah, you know me!
Oliver has Respiratory Syncytial Virus (R.S.V.) courtesy of his big brother. For most kids it isn't a big deal, but for Oliver...well, that's a different story.
Yesterday Oliver's pediatrician listened to his chest and sent us right to the hospital for admission. He is on oxygen and receiving respiratory therapy.
The "funny" thing is that Oliver just qualified for the $1000 a month R.S.V. prevention vaccines. While we didn't prevent R.S.V. this time around, hopefully this will be our last battle for the season.
Please pray for little Oliver. He's lost weight and he can't really breathe without the oxygen. If he continues, they will have to send him to the I.C.U. and put him on a more extensive breathing machine. I'm hoping I don't have to eat Thanksgiving Dinner at the hospital.
My spirits are up, but Eric's are down. I'm thankful that we take turns falling apart! We are at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle.
Yesterday Oliver's pediatrician listened to his chest and sent us right to the hospital for admission. He is on oxygen and receiving respiratory therapy.
The "funny" thing is that Oliver just qualified for the $1000 a month R.S.V. prevention vaccines. While we didn't prevent R.S.V. this time around, hopefully this will be our last battle for the season.
Please pray for little Oliver. He's lost weight and he can't really breathe without the oxygen. If he continues, they will have to send him to the I.C.U. and put him on a more extensive breathing machine. I'm hoping I don't have to eat Thanksgiving Dinner at the hospital.
My spirits are up, but Eric's are down. I'm thankful that we take turns falling apart! We are at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Chunky Monkey

Oliver visited his cardiologist today. He now weighs a whopping 10 pounds. The doctor gave him two thumbs up and was impressed with today's chest x-ray and EKG.
In other news, Alexandra decided to cut her own bangs today. Fortunately the damage wasn't catastrophic, and she promised never to do it again.
Oliver's friend Harrison continues to struggle with his health. He was re-re-admitted to Children's Hospital for dehydration. I'm sure his mother would appreciate extra prayers for their family!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I'm Counting Chickens

I know you aren't supposed to count your chickens before they hatch, but I am. The estimated departure time is by 2 p.m. (which means about 5 p.m.). My bags are in the car.
I've never seen Oliver looking so great! He is cooing at the whimsical mobile above his bed.
Oliver's friends Grace and Harrison need prayer. Grace was Oliver's first love in the I.C.U. and continues to have some issues with her heart and possibly brain. Her mom is exhausted. It's tough to live at the hospital for months and months.
Harrison had the same surgery as Oliver. He was sent home yesterday, but had to come back because of severe vomiting and diarrhea. Please pray for a speedy recovery and that Oliver doesn't get his bug!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
99 Balloons

This afternoon Oliver and I switched channels from the Food Network to Oprah. She featured a video titled "99 Balloons" about a little boy who was Oliver's age. He had Trisomy 18 (Oliver has Trisomy 21). The video looked like a bit of our life and touched my heart.
Oliver is doing well this afternoon, but he still needs a whiff of oxygen to maintain the right level.
Oliver is doing well this afternoon, but he still needs a whiff of oxygen to maintain the right level.
Day 12
Monday, October 27, 2008
Thanks Minter Creek Elementary!
Oliver would like to give a shout out to Mrs. Kobasa's 4th grade class! We just read all 26 of your letters to him. Thanks for sharing all of the fun things Oliver will get to do as he gets bigger: losing a tooth, starting Kindergarten, going down a slide, and smearing birthday cake on his face. He was sleeping, so he couldn't look at your impressive artwork. Don't worry, we'll show him later. Thanks also for the fantastic green dog and the Christmas ornament. You made Oliver's day!
Bat Boy

We are weaning him off oxygen. So far so good. His incision is better, and overall he looks spectacular. The doctors want to make sure his lungs are clear and dry before we can go. They are monitoring this through daily x-rays.
I am thrilled to report that not only did I get a window bed, we have our own room!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
See you, I.C.U!
Oliver is going to the surgical recovery floor! I am pleased with the news, because we are closer to getting out of the hospital. The downside, of course, is that I had to pack my bags this morning, so I can live full-time at the hospital.
I'm praying for the following things:
1) A short stay.
2) A bed by the window.
3) A great roommate. Before being sent back to the I.C.U. Oliver and I shared a room with 2-year old Ainsley and her mom. Mom and I connected and stayed up late chatting about everything. I felt like I was back in college. Good conversation passes the time faster.
I'm praying for the following things:
1) A short stay.
2) A bed by the window.
3) A great roommate. Before being sent back to the I.C.U. Oliver and I shared a room with 2-year old Ainsley and her mom. Mom and I connected and stayed up late chatting about everything. I felt like I was back in college. Good conversation passes the time faster.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
As you can see from yesterday's post, the dates are all jumbled in my head.
Oliver's lungs are good, and he is almost completely off of oxygen. They are holding him in the ICU another day, however, because the surgical incision is looking red and "angry". He also has two mysterious sores on the back of his knees. A round of antibiotics should knock down those problems.
The rest of the Showells are doing great. Isaac Owen has stayed dry for 24 hours--a personal record.
Oliver's lungs are good, and he is almost completely off of oxygen. They are holding him in the ICU another day, however, because the surgical incision is looking red and "angry". He also has two mysterious sores on the back of his knees. A round of antibiotics should knock down those problems.
The rest of the Showells are doing great. Isaac Owen has stayed dry for 24 hours--a personal record.
Friday, October 24, 2008
October 23rd
Oliver is off the CPAP machine! His lung is no longer collapsed, and the excess fluid is gone. The doctors will monitor his oxygen levels to see if he can manage without the machine. Hopefully we will move out of ICU today or tomorrow.
Today I woke up to the delightful sounds of children. It seemed like a normal morning at our "Tukwila Chicken Ranch": dad's pancakes, the smoke detector beeping when we took showers, and Alex and Isaac dancing. I felt a twinge of sadness that Oliver wasn't home to join in the madness.
Our goal is to find the kitchen table today. We've suspect that it is still in the kitchen under about 6 loads of clean laundry. I'll keep you posted.
Eric has the kids for the day and will join me here at the hospital this afternoon for family swim. Meanwhile Oliver and I are learning all sorts of fun recipes from the Food Network Channel.
Today I woke up to the delightful sounds of children. It seemed like a normal morning at our "Tukwila Chicken Ranch": dad's pancakes, the smoke detector beeping when we took showers, and Alex and Isaac dancing. I felt a twinge of sadness that Oliver wasn't home to join in the madness.
Our goal is to find the kitchen table today. We've suspect that it is still in the kitchen under about 6 loads of clean laundry. I'll keep you posted.
Eric has the kids for the day and will join me here at the hospital this afternoon for family swim. Meanwhile Oliver and I are learning all sorts of fun recipes from the Food Network Channel.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I slept in late and got an incredible massage; I feel like a million bucks!
Oliver looks great today. He was bright and alert for most of the day--a huge difference from yesterday. His lungs are working better, although he still sounds"junky". We have a couple more days in the I.C.U. if things go well, but it could be longer.
Alex and Isaac are at the hospital now and will be home with us for the weekend. So good to see them! Isaac is potty-training (thank you Grandma June!), so keep us in your prayers. Thank goodness Auntie Lo Lo will coming up to help out.
Thank you for your prayers, words of encouragement, dinners, and coffees. I can't tell you how blessed we are to have a community of friends and family who love little Ollie.
Oliver looks great today. He was bright and alert for most of the day--a huge difference from yesterday. His lungs are working better, although he still sounds"junky". We have a couple more days in the I.C.U. if things go well, but it could be longer.
Alex and Isaac are at the hospital now and will be home with us for the weekend. So good to see them! Isaac is potty-training (thank you Grandma June!), so keep us in your prayers. Thank goodness Auntie Lo Lo will coming up to help out.
Thank you for your prayers, words of encouragement, dinners, and coffees. I can't tell you how blessed we are to have a community of friends and family who love little Ollie.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Back to the I.C.U.!
Oliver missed his I.C.U. care, so he convinced everyone to send him back. He's hooked up to a CPAP machine which will help to inflate his lung.
The doctors are going to run an ultrasound to see if he has fluid on his lungs. If he does, they will put in some drainage tubes.
While I'm not thrilled about Oliver's condition, I'm glad to be fixing the problem.
The doctors are going to run an ultrasound to see if he has fluid on his lungs. If he does, they will put in some drainage tubes.
While I'm not thrilled about Oliver's condition, I'm glad to be fixing the problem.
Good News & Bad News
Wednesday morning. The good news is we found out the reason for Oliver's labored breathing. The bad news is that his left lung collapsed. The doctors and nurses gasped when they looked at his x-ray this morning. (Always comforting for a mom!) The treatment is to clear the gunk out through respiratory therapy, when someone beats on his back and suctions out any secretions.
I'm doing well. I'm a little sleepy this morning, but nothing a cup of coffee can't remedy.
I'm doing well. I'm a little sleepy this morning, but nothing a cup of coffee can't remedy.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I slept well last night, because Eduardo got sprung from the joint, and we had the room to ourselves.
The doctor told us we won't be going home today. Looks like we'll get to know our new 2-year-old roommate.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Oh, for Pete's Sake...
It doesn't fail...right after I give a good report, Oliver tends to go downhill. The room is filled with people right now doing chest x-rays. They are trying to determine if he has an infection. Spiking temperature. Arrggh...
Monday, October 20th
Happy 3rd Birthday Isaac Owen Showell (a.k.a. "Hurricane Ike")!
Last night was miserable for me. Our roommate Eduardo, a two-year-old on dialysis, didn't appreciate the nurses fussing with him all night long. As soon as he'd settle back down to sleep, a nurse would come back for more vitals. I felt sorry for the little guy.
To make matters worse, I slept by the door. Apparently my bed is about a centimeter too long, so every time the door opened, it slammed into my bed. Tonight I'm going to block the door completely shut, so Eduardo and I can get a better night's sleep.
We will probably go home tomorrow! Oliver's chest is still quite congested, but the staff thinks it will clear up.
Act 1: "Mother of Invention" from This American Life was about Down Syndrome. Very thought provoking for me...
Last night was miserable for me. Our roommate Eduardo, a two-year-old on dialysis, didn't appreciate the nurses fussing with him all night long. As soon as he'd settle back down to sleep, a nurse would come back for more vitals. I felt sorry for the little guy.
To make matters worse, I slept by the door. Apparently my bed is about a centimeter too long, so every time the door opened, it slammed into my bed. Tonight I'm going to block the door completely shut, so Eduardo and I can get a better night's sleep.
We will probably go home tomorrow! Oliver's chest is still quite congested, but the staff thinks it will clear up.
Act 1: "Mother of Invention" from This American Life was about Down Syndrome. Very thought provoking for me...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
We're out of ICU!

It's Sunday afternoon and Oliver and I are in our new home: Giraffe room 4020.
I had a mini-meltdown last night. Now that Oliver is doing so well, it was therapeutic for me to finally cry. Eric was the catalyst for my tears, but not the real reason. I imagine we weren't the first couple to be yelling at each other in the Giraffe wing of Children's Hospital.
No worries--Eric and I are good friends again. He is snuggling with our adorable baby.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday Morning
11:00 a.m. and all is well! Oliver is awake and flirting with the nurses. I think there is a budding romance between him and his roommate Grace, a sweet 2 month old on her 4th heart surgery.
It is great to see Oliver's bright blue eyes. He is actively trying to disconnect himself from all of the machines and make a jail break. He has one more day in the ICU until he's moved to the surgical floor. The doctors say that he has some extra fluid on his lungs, but otherwise he's doing well.
Eric and I are happy and still like each other.
It is great to see Oliver's bright blue eyes. He is actively trying to disconnect himself from all of the machines and make a jail break. He has one more day in the ICU until he's moved to the surgical floor. The doctors say that he has some extra fluid on his lungs, but otherwise he's doing well.
Eric and I are happy and still like each other.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Friday Evening

Eric and I are home. Oliver is doing great, and I have on a pager in case they need to reach us. I'm going to get one more night of good sleep, before I move into the hospital with Oliver.
Alex(i) and Isaac O. are with Grandma and Grandpa Davis. Grandma has been emailing me pictures and updates of their shenanigans. The following is an excerpt from today's report:
The kids and I made cupcakes, frosted and decorated them, then delivered them to friends around town today. I really only let them decorate the ones they are to consume themselves—not the ones we gave to our friends. This is noted because you may be looking closely at the pictures and seeing Isaac’s runny nose which would, I’m certain, be a cause for concern. I figure the minutes are ticking away until we all share Isaac’s problem.
Friday Afternoon
It is 5:30 p.m. and Oliver has been off the breathing machine for a couple of hours. He had a rough patch about an hour ago when he turned blue. He got suctioned, inhaled steroids, & took morphine, but he didn't calm down until I held him. Oliver has two amazing nurses and several doctors, and we are in excellent hands. However, it is stressful to see my baby in pain and/or discomfort.
I think I'll ask for my own morphine drip. Eric and I are both tired and looking forward to some yummy Indian food for dinner.
I think I'll ask for my own morphine drip. Eric and I are both tired and looking forward to some yummy Indian food for dinner.
I had a great night of sleep! We arrived at the hospital at 11 a.m. and got the "Oliver Report". He's doing very well. They are slowly weaning him off his breathing machine; this will probably happen in the next hour or so. This is the biggest hurdle to leaving the ICU. The nurses actually had to physicially restrain him, because he was moving around so much (a good sign!).
Oliver responds to our voices, which is such a phenominal feeling! I should get to hold him soon...can't wait!
Oliver responds to our voices, which is such a phenominal feeling! I should get to hold him soon...can't wait!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Photos of Oliver
Mission Successful!
It is 3:47 p.m. and we just spoke with the surgeon. Oliver is all sewn up and in recovery. We have yet to see him, but Dr. Permut said he was a trooper. This was a challenging procedure, because Oliver had an abnormal valve. In addition, the lower hole was the largest Dr. Permut had ever repaired.
Eric and I had a scare about 2 hours ago when we were met in the ICU by the nurse and the socialworker. Apparently the surgeon wasn't satisfied with the repair, so he had to open him up AGAIN (& put him back on the heart-lung machine) to do some touch-up.
Everything looks good now. Dr. Permut is incredible and offered to foward us the video of Oliver's surgery. Perhaps we'll post it on YouTube!
We can't tell you how much it means to have your support. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I'm exhausted, but I haven't melted down yet! I'll post pictures when I get them.
Eric and I had a scare about 2 hours ago when we were met in the ICU by the nurse and the socialworker. Apparently the surgeon wasn't satisfied with the repair, so he had to open him up AGAIN (& put him back on the heart-lung machine) to do some touch-up.
Everything looks good now. Dr. Permut is incredible and offered to foward us the video of Oliver's surgery. Perhaps we'll post it on YouTube!
We can't tell you how much it means to have your support. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I'm exhausted, but I haven't melted down yet! I'll post pictures when I get them.
Operation Day!
It is 8:37 a.m. and all is well. Eric and I released Oliver to the operating team and got pumpkin spice lattes. The nurse reminded us to eat today, because some parents pass out from low blood sugar. Eric and I reassured her that forgetting to eat won't be an issue for us.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Pre-Op
Eric and I spent the entire day at Children's Hospital learning oodles about Oliver's surgery.
A couple of changes for tomorrow:
*If you haven't seen this Blackberry Spoof on YouTube, check it out.
A couple of changes for tomorrow:
- The fun begins: 6:15 a.m. Surgery will last 5-6 hours and should be done by early afternoon.
- Surgeon: We now have Dr. Lester C. Permut.
There is limited cell phone coverage at the hospital, so the best way to reach us is to email. Eric will have his Blackberry*and I'll have my laptop.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers tomorrow.*If you haven't seen this Blackberry Spoof on YouTube, check it out.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Big Week
Surgery Details:
Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008
Time: 5:30 a.m.
Place: Seattle Children's Hospital (
Surgeon: Dr. Gordon Cohen (
Procedure: Atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) repair
On Wednesday Oliver will have his pre-op work done, and we will finally meet Dr. Cohen.
Many people have asked what we need. Except for a full-time housekeeper, we are all set up. For the next two weeks, I will live at the hospital with Oliver, Eric will sleep at our house, and Alex(i) and Isaac will stay at Grandma/pa's house on Whidbey Island.
Our biggest prayer is for Oliver's health. Isaac is already sporting the drippy, green nose. If Oliver catches a cold before Thursday, they will postpone the surgery.
Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008
Time: 5:30 a.m.
Place: Seattle Children's Hospital (
Surgeon: Dr. Gordon Cohen (
Procedure: Atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) repair
On Wednesday Oliver will have his pre-op work done, and we will finally meet Dr. Cohen.
Many people have asked what we need. Except for a full-time housekeeper, we are all set up. For the next two weeks, I will live at the hospital with Oliver, Eric will sleep at our house, and Alex(i) and Isaac will stay at Grandma/pa's house on Whidbey Island.
Our biggest prayer is for Oliver's health. Isaac is already sporting the drippy, green nose. If Oliver catches a cold before Thursday, they will postpone the surgery.
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